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2016-07-19 09:52:25

As we all know, never irradiate someone' eyes with a laser pen which may cause blindness. However, if you are an evil villain and decided to create "death ray" to hunt a bird,  how many burning laser pointer  needed to create a deadly weapon?

All right, let's get to the question.

Simply speaking, a laser is a beam of light, the photon beam will move in the same direction of injection. Ordinary light is shining in all directions.High energy lasers(such as the 5000mw Laser Pointer ) contain a large amount of energy, which can produce heat, and even the burning of objects. For example, the United States Navy has a strong laser, able to burn a plane in the sky.
Laser damage is proportional to the energy it can enter, usually in the form of a MW. In the United States, the food and drug administration requires all laser products below 5 0W, and there are some cheap or even less than 1 mw.

However, the laser pointer is not too expensive, you are Google's "cheap laser pen", you can use $2 less than the purchase of a 5 mW laser equipment.
Infrared laser is the most dangerous, because it is not available to see, before the retina was burned, one's eyes will not so blink to protect themselves. Even so, your eyes will be burned, but you are not so. You may need more than 5 MW of laser to achieve this goal.

So how many laser pointers do you need to hunt a bird?

A laser pen to have lethal strength, so it is hot enough to burn the body tissue. About 1000mw Laser Pointer  can be burned in a certain period of time to wear a person's eyes to the brain. Since the need for a certain time, it means that the killer can not quickly leave, the person who was killed will not escape.

According to the market to sell toy laser pen strength about 5MW calculation, if you want to use the laser pointer to kill a bird, it would need 2 00 enough. And you also need to tie up 5.5 inches in diameter. In addition, you have to ensure that the birds who are about to die in a quiet sitting.

From the eye burn through the brain is the most easy way to murder, however, this method requires a well aimed only for you.

Well, the answer is that, if you try to kill a bird with a laser, you go to buy 5 200mw Laser Pointer .

Well, finally, to remind you a sentence, not irradiate with laser pen to somebody else's eyes. In case of blind,  you know, a laser focusing in photoreceptor cells produce overheating caused by the solidification of protein denaturation is irreversible damage.

  1. http://old.casualcollective.com/#profiles/lasernzh/blog/post/162532

  2. http://www.mancray.com/pindetails/15049/
